Alliance for Choice support the concept of ‘conscientious commitment’ and the provision of role models to healthcare staff, medical students, doctors, nurses and midwives who commit to providing high quality, patient-centred abortion care. Termination of pregnancy is a hugely important and common aspect of reproductive and sexual healthcare services.
Abortion 101
Unknown numbers access the abortion pill from internet providers such as Women Help Women and Women on Web and self-abort at home. (Combined data for Ireland, north and south, is available from Women on Web. This indicates 5650 requests were made for at-home medical abortions during 2010-2015). Abortions obtained by those who travel outside of Northern Ireland
Northern Irish women directly affected by abortion ban tell Westminster to support reform - as MPs launch historic bill
Alliance for Choice, Belfast at the Dublin Rally for Choice, September 29th 2018. Photo: Brendan Harkin
· As a historic bill to decriminalise abortion in Northern Ireland is launched in parliament, women who have been affected by the current ban have appealed to MPs for reform.
· The testimony collected by the British Pregnancy Advisory Service, bpas, and Alliance for Choice NI includes women who have been forced to continue pregnancies with no chance of survival to term
· A video released today features a young Northern Irish woman, Emma, 18, telling MPs that abortion “is not a devolved issue” while 28 weeks pregnant with a baby with a fatal foetal anomaly. She was denied an abortion in Northern Ireland and felt unable to travel for treatment in England.
· Other women speak of the difficulties of travelling to England to access care, and one woman from Belfast describes having to wait over three hours in an airport while bleeding.
· Campaigners call on MPs from all parties to “listen to the voices of the women of Northern Ireland” and unite behind moves for reform.
Access to abortion care for Northern Irish confirmed
Alliance for Choice are encouraged by the Irish Health Minister, Simon Harris’s commitment to ensuring that people from Northern Ireland will be able to access abortion services in the Republic.